Sunday, November 16, 2014

It is crazy to believe that Thanksgiving is only about a week away and our first trimester is over. We have finished up our vertebrate unit and have started our taxonomy unit.  We started this unit out by making our own classification system based off of stores, libraries, dance, superheroes, and even Starbucks.  One of our class assignments will be watching part of the BBC Life video series and then placing all the animals we see in order of their classification.  Students have been enjoying the different LSP (learning support points) options as well. We will be learning about dichotomous keys and learning how to make our own.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

We have finished up our Scientific Method unit and started our Inveterbrate unit about a week ago. Last week we spent three days learning about and observing snails. Students brought snails into the class and we talked about how they eat, move, reproduce, sense their environment, breath, and saw their heart beat.  This week we will be learning about squids and worms. We will also cover arthopods and have a project where students bring in their own arthropod to show the class. Looking forward to another great week!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

It has been a crazy and amazing start of the school year at UCA.  I feel so blessed to be able to a part of this school and the wonderful staff. We are half way through September and it will soon be October.  In a lot of ways school is already going by fast, but it has been great so far.
In 7th grade Science class we have spent about a week on the scientific method and have about two more weeks to finish our unit.  Last week student's were building towers out of sponges and toothpicks to see what group could build the tallest tower.  After allowing students to switch one of their variables the tallest tower was 62 centimeters.  Also, in this unit we are learning about different science specialties and the characteristics of living things. 
Next week our class will be using the scientific method and be experimenting with gummy bears :) and different liquids. I will try my best to remember to take picture and post them.  Everyone is doing well with the unit and enjoying exploring and learning about the scientific method through different labs and classwork.

Mrs. DuBransky